Join us for church at 9am or 11am!
This church has plenty of small groups, classes, and individuals that work to get involved with you so that you can grow in the knowledge of Christ and the gospel.
- Regular Attender
The people are so warm and welcoming. Pastor Steve always has an amazing services that touches your heart and soul. I feel God lead me here to get closer to him. I'm am truly blessed.
- Regular Attender
My church home. Preaching is straight from the Bible and speaks straight to my heart here. The compassionate church staff and body makes The Way a spirit filled sanctuary.
- Regular Attender
Latest Sermon
Join us as we begin our new series, Equipped for Battle, the Armor of God Series beginning on July 28th.
Regular Sunday Services
9am and 11am with nursery available during both services. (Holidays may vary.)