
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

The Rush
Before leaving 5th grade, most children form their entire idea of who God is and choose whether or not they will have a relationship with Him. We want to partner with families to help children discover and embrace a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by developing faith, wisdom, and friendships.

Our small group time allows the children to rotate through response stations. During these stations, the children respond through prayer, reading, crafts, wonder questions and stories! We invite the Holy Spirit to be with us as we respond! The Rush programming is available on Sunday mornings during the 9:00 am service. Regular programming occurs in the fall through the spring, and fun activities are planned during the summer months.
The Rush is open to children 3 years old through 6th grade.

Check in starts at 8:45am in the Discipleship Center.
Prek-K kiddos are in the lower level of the brick building and 1st-6th graders are upstairs in the brick building. Let us know if you have any questions!

We will begin again on September 8th! Click HERE to register!

Throughout the year, we gather for our Family Experience Nights! Join us for our next gathering.
Families with kiddos of all ages are welcome!