Ask The Pastor | Week 2 | 2024
Join us for week 2 of Ask the Pastor!
-If all sins are forgivable and forgiven, could you please clarify the one unforgivable sin
referred to in Matthew 12 and Mark 3.
-In John 16:5, Jesus says "and not one of you is asking where I am going." But, in John
13:36, Simon Peter asked, "Lord, where are you going?" I'm confused, Peter DOES ask but
Jesus doesn't really answer him. Why would Jesus say no one asked but Peter did ask?
-What's up with the whole Melchizedek being the greatest high priest? How did he attain
such status when there is so little info about him?
-Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
-I have been reading the book Secrets of a Prayer Warrior, which brings up the third heaven
as paradise in the presence of God, the second heaven is Satan & his fallen angels, & the
first is the visible heaven that we see when looking to the stars. Is this truly Biblical or even
a plausible explanation of heaven?
-So many books have been written on people going to Heaven and coming back. What's
your take on this?
-With the subject of witnessing to unbelievers and introducing them to Christ, I’ve been told
that I shouldn’t hold them to the same godly standards that we as Christian’s hold. While I
agree with that, I then am unsure of what standards we should hold them to, seeing as how
worldly standards clearly aren’t sufficient, how should I approach those situations?
-I struggle with answers to prayers. When I pray and search for answers in God’s word, how
do I know what the truth is about the situation? Is the outcome from God, or self? I feel like I
sometimes choose the answers for myself rather than him even though I pray and surrender
to him.
-Are science and faith incompatible? Does going to a medical Doctor demonstrate a lack of
faith in God’s healing power?